Thursday 18 December 2014

radio task

Radio Task

Your task is to listen to 15 minutes of 2 radio stations and analyse the sound techniques used. You may choose from:

·         The Rock Show with Daniel P Carter on BBC Radio 1

·         Semtex (Hip-hop show) on BBC 1Xtra

·         The Craig Charles Funk & Soul Show on BBC 6Music

·         5 Live Breakfast on BBC 5Live

·         Your chosen stations:     The Rock Show with Daniel P Carter on BBC Radio 1
     5 Live Breakfast on BBC 5Live

1.       What time is each show broadcast?
Sunday 19.00 and Thursday 9.00

2.       Describe and compare each ident for the programmes. What instruments are used? How are vocals used? What feeling is conveyed to the audience?

For the Rock Show with Daniel P Carter the ident is very sudden and extreme. It’s basically some guy screaming the radio station into your ears. Lots of guitars are used and drums.

For the 5 Live Breakfast it’s just some guy saying what you are listening to. It’s very electronic so there really aren’t any instruments.

3.       Who are the hosts of the radio show? How do they address the listeners (chatty, friendly, serious)?

For the Rock Show its Daniel P Carter. He seems like a laid back radio presenter so he does not really say much, but he seems like he cares about what he is doing.

For the 5 Live Breakfast the presenters are Nicky Campbell and Racheal Burden. These radio presenters are very serious, but chatty. It’s not really something you would listen to if you want music

4.       How do the hosts try to engage the audience (encouraging Twitter use, requests)?
They use twitter and they also get people to phone in to speak about something

5.       Do you feel that there is an aim of each radio show (e.g. Getting people in the mood for a club)?

I didn’t feel any aim with these stations because they just seem straight to the point. For example the rock show host would play some music and then he would real a tweet and say something about it and then play the next song.

The breakfast show doesn’t really make you feel any better because they talk about what’s happening in the news which really isn’t the kind of thing you want to be listening

6.       How is this achieved?

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