Thursday, 5 February 2015

Poster analysis

Black and white
Man in the middle of the moon. Could mean he is the main person in the story
Man in the middle of  the moon
Blank/ not much happening on the poster
Layers to the moon could mean that the story is covered.
Plain white text
name is repeated in a grey colour
His name is copied which could symbolise the story.
Layers to the moon
Moon is made up of layers
Dark side of the moon could symbolise that it’s not what you think
Black background
Very simple black background
Title is bold and stands out from the background which could mean that the story is focused on the moon.

There is a fuse which links to his name “wick”
He’s a bomb that’s will go off if something starts the fuse.
Half his face is shadowed
Light and dark side to him
The light and dark side could symbolise that he has 2 sides to him.
A fuse is used as a tie
He is wearing a black suit
The light and dark could also symbolise that he is mysterious and shady.
He is serious
He has a serious facial expression
He is symbolised as a bomb that’s about to go off which could mean that someone or something has happened to him which has now set him off

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